MoV's Web Directory

Japanese version's here

Oafu Isle., Hawaii*

Well come to Kragen webpage

The key word for these pages is
Scenery simulation. Enjoy!

Last Updated on Jun. 15.

Sorry, some following pages are written in Japanese.

The views from a train on Oito line

Fly-around animation with Mt. Jonen-dake, Feb. 1997

The views from a train on Iida line

(Jun. 11, 1997)

'Iida line' is a local rail-road in Japan, between Toyohashi(Aichi prefacture) and Tatsuno(Nagano Prefacture). At near the middle point of the line, you'll see a dramatic change in scenery in the train's porch. On the southern part of the Iida-line, the train runs along gorge, frequently in tunnels. On the northern part, the train calmly runs in broad Ina-valley between 3,000m-mountains. Enjoy grand "Mountain-view" of great Iida-line.
(May 5, 1997)

'MoV':Free software for Scenery-simulation

(Jan. 15, 1997)

While, What's the Scenery-simulation?
(Jun. 15, 1997)

Latest news and some links


(Jan. 22, 1997)

(Jan. 22, 1997)
Kragen(N. Sanada)

Please e-mail your comment or quiestion to

*The title image is...Oahu Isle, Hawaii, from over Kauai Cahnnel.

This image was mapped with

(C)N. Sanada, 1995.